Dla fanów Ashley Tisdale to będzie dobra wiadomość. Aktorka i piosenkarka ma w planach po siedmiu (!) latach od premiery ostatniego albumu Guilty Pleasure wydać nowy krążek. Potwierdziła, że ostatnio pracuje nad nim w studio. Niestety gwiazda Disney’a na razie sama nie wie kiedy odbędzie się jego premiera. Pozostaje na razie jedynie czekać na nowe informacje.
Oto co powiedziała w wywiadzie Ashley dla MTV News:
I’m still trying to find exactly where I want to go with that. I’ve been heading towards a specific direction and I think that’s where I’m going to be. It’s obviously still pop and we’ve been playing with more dance pop. My last album was pop rock, so I definitely kind of have been more into the dancier type of pop songs. It’s definitely heavily pop for sure. I don’t even know if I’m just going to do singles or do an album. It’s really just me going into the studio and doing what I love. I’ve been inspired to start doing music again. I’ve been really excited to be back in the studio and figuring out what that next sound is. But I definitely missed it and I’m having a lot of fun with it, so we will see.
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